President’s Letter

It is an exciting time for AU as we come together to develop the institution’s strategic plan that will position the university for a successful future. Through an assessment of our core strengths and engaging dialogue around our biggest opportunities, our work on the strategic plan will chart the university’s course for the next five years and offer a vision for the institution aimed at 2040.

At the heart of the strategic planning process lie the invaluable contributions of our dedicated faculty and staff. I am so grateful for the various perspectives that reinforce our culture of collaboration and innovation. These insights will guide our efforts to help our students create purposeful lives and fulfilling careers, ultimately fulfilling our mission as an inclusive community dedicated to the transformative power of learning.

I look forward to our ongoing work over the spring and summer months. Our goal is to share the draft strategic plan in June, with the aim of publishing the final version in August.

Thank you for your interest and participation in shaping the future of Aurora University.

Dr. Susana Rivera-Mills Signature

Susana Rivera-Mills, PhD